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Planning Board Minutes 2008/08/21
August 21, 2008
7:00 PM
*****DRAFT*****                                                   *****DRAFT*****
Present:        Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
                Allan Davis, Vice Chairman
                Bruce Jennings
                Philip Porter
                Derek Tatlock
                Peter White
                Emma Smith, Ex-officio
                Michael Marquise, Town Planner
                Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator

Absent: Frederick Gallup, Ex-officio Alternate

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM by Chairman Peggy Chalmers.

The minutes of the June 19, 2008 meeting were reviewed.  The following corrections were noted:
        Line 26 – change sited if to sited it.
        Line 157 – change there is now to there is no.
A motion was made by Allan Davis to approve the minutes as amended.  The motion was seconded by Phil Porter and approved with 5 in favor and 2 abstained (ES, DT).


MAP 232 LOT 13                          Samantha Bailey, Edward Bailey
                                                John Galloway
                                                86 Trask Brook Road
                                                Site Plan Review
                                                Day Care Operation              

Michael passed out the plans.  He noted that the application was filed 3 weeks in advance, abutters were notified, notices posted, and feeds paid.  The application falls under Article 5 of the Site Plan Review Regulations.  Michael advised the Board that they could possibly waive existing and proposed contours and proposed landscaping plans.  He is in receipt of a letter from Cliff Richer regarding the septic system (copy in file).

A motion was made by Allan Davis to accept the application as completer waiving existing and proposed contours and proposed landscaping plans.  The motion was seconded by Peter White and approved unanimously.

Peggy asked about lighting and Samantha Bailey advised that down lighting is noted on the plan.  Michael advised that the letter from Cliff Richer stated that the proposed increase to the septic system would be 60-80 gallons per day based on 6-8 children and the system should be able to handle it.  It also stated the house could be considered one bedroom use plus the day care.  That would not exceed the allowances.  Samantha Bailey stated that it is presently a 2 bedroom house.  Michael advised that the septic allowance is based on 150 gallons per day per bedroom.  He also advised that if the Board approves the application, they can limit it to a one bedroom home with a 6-8 student day care.  Ms. Bailey advised that the state will limit the number of children.  She thinks her upper limit would be 8 and that is what Cliff Richer drew up his letter for.  She gave a breakdown of the number of children based on what the state allows per provider/employee:  3 year olds -8, 4 year olds – 12, 5 year olds – 15.  The state also limits the number of children based on square footage.

A motion was made by Allan Davis to approve the application, limited to 3 non-resident employees and a maximum of 15 children.  The motion was seconded by Phil Porter and approved unanimously.

7:31 PM – The public hearing closed.

7:31 PM – The meeting adjourned.

NOTE:  Any hearings now open and under consideration by this Board are continued to the next meeting of the Planning Board.

NOTE:  The above minutes represent a summary of, not a verbatim of the tape.  

Submitted by,  Joan Bleau                               Approved_____________________
Recording Secretary

______________________________          _____________________________
Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                Allan Davis, Vice-Chairman

______________________________          _____________________________
Bruce Jennings                                  Derek Tatlock

______________________________          _____________________________
Philip Porter                                           Peter White

______________________________          _____________________________
Emma M. Smith, Ex-Officio                               Frederick Gallup, Alt. Ex-Officio